Getting Started

Our Construction Process is easy, painless and straight forward. It is as follows:

Step 1. – Financing

Interview and choose a bank, mortgage company or financial institution to determine your budget range. We can give referrals of banks we have worked with in the past that are familiar with our company. Be assured that due to the sensitive information exchanged, we are not involved with any conversations regarding your credit or finances.
Have a meeting to review house size and location based on loan approval. Narrow down square footage, lot size and location – main factors in budget calculation.

Step 2. - Designing your Dream House

Determine your selected subdivision's requirements (build line, square footage, etc) if any.
Choose one of our Gemstone Homes plans or bring your own. A licensed architect will make any modification to an existing plan to customize it for you.
Create roof line, foundation and electrical plans and elevations.
Make major decisions that affect blueprints such as exterior material (stone, siding, brick), extra wide doorframes, oversized tub, etc. More detailed decisions like flooring, cabinet finishes and paint colors will be done later in the building process.